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Welcome to the NCC Provider Portal
Early Years/Headcount
Welcome to the Early Years Provider Portal which is intended to make the process of submitting information to Nottingham City Council, Childrens Services more secure and convenient.
As a childcare provider in Nottingham City you are required to submit information to us termly and annually as set out in the Early Years Provider Funding Agreement.
Please refer to the guidance and the Terms and Conditions from the link at the very bottom of the page, before attempting to log into the Provider Portal.
If you have any issues accessing the Provider Portal please contact by email on
earlyyears@nottinghamcity.gov.uk, please note that any locked accounts will automatically be unlocked before 10am the next working day. If you have forgotten your password please use the forgotten password button.
School Admissions 2022 and Co-ordinated 2023
Please refer to the email sent to you in relation to setting up your password and then follow the on-screen instructions. If you already have a login, please proceed.